El Rio Board of Directors

El Rio Community School Board of Directors

All members of the El Rio Community School Board receive Brown Act compliance training.

Chair: Antoinette Walker antoinette.walker@elrioschool.org
Vice Chair: Ernesto Quintero ernesto.quintero@elrioschool.org
Treasurer: Kristy Mack-Fett kristy.mack.fett@elrioschool.org
Secretary: Brettany Shannon brettany.shannon@elrioschool.org

Board Members
Rebecca Fishman rebecca.fishman@elrioschool.org
Omari Ferguson omari.ferguson@elrioschool.org
Geoff Ramsey-Ray geoff.ramsey.ray@elrioschool.org
Erica Roach erica.roach@elrioschool.org


To make a confidential communication with Board leadership, please email the Supervisory Team Antoinette Walker and Ernesto Quintero.

To submit a public letter for inclusion in the upcoming Board meeting, please email a one-way communication to all Board members.